IV Infusions and Diagnostics

Two of our specialized programs are IV vitamin and detox infusion therapy as well as supervised nebulizer treatments of specific nutrients.  For these, we only use third-party tested, preservative-free supplements that are prepared by award winning pharmacies.

There is a great variety of IV infusions, each tailored to your goals.  During your initial visit, there is a medical history review and intake of vitals, and often a review or suggestion for new lab work is made.  In this way, we can be more specific in meeting your goals.  There are many benefits of IV infusion therapy:


  • 100% absorption of micronutrients
  • enhance physical, emotional, and mental wellness
  • increase immune health
  • accelerate healing
  • improve recovery, rehydration, and detox
  • boost energy levels
  • optimize the performance of mind and body
  • slow aging process
  • reduce the appearance of wrinkles and repair uV damage
  • support healthy weight loss

Please take a moment to review some of our more popular topics below in order to familiarize yourself with the possibilities.  For various specific IV infusion programs and nebulizer treatments, read more…

H2o2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) IV Infusion

There are two essential elements that your body requires and uses in order for it to function properly: hydrogen and oxygen.  Some of the many benefits include eliminating many viruses, bacteria, fungi and molds, cancer cells, and also pathogens that may be forming within the blood. H2o2 is offered as a highly effective detox infusion that helps regulate the pH balance within the body while hydrating and oxygenating the cells.

Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulizer Treatment

Hydrogen peroxide with saline can be safely and effectively administered through a nebulizer in order to eliminate viruses and other microorganisms as well as excess mucous from the sinuses, respiratory tract, and lungs. Furthermore, this is a great form of therapy for both lung detox and to reduce inflammation.  These treatments are set up and monitored by our medical staff, with disposable, single use personal medical supplies provided for each individual session.  This form of treatment has been highly utilized during the recent pandemic, especially by the Front Line Critical Care healthcare workers (FLCCC).

Lung Revitalization Nebulizer Treatment

These sessions provide a comfortable and direct means of providing several powerful nutrients into the lungs and respiratory tract. This is a way to refresh and revitalize these organs which are critical in many aspects of our health and wellbeing. With the use of a nebulizer and disposable, personal medical supplies, supplements of the highest grade, standard, and purity are administered. This is a proprietary blend of saline, iodine, mint essence, glutathione, and colloidal silver.  There may be no better way to improve lung function, especially if you are recovering from chronic illness or other impacts to your lungs.

IV Immune Boost & Maintenance Program

High Dose Vitamin C Infusion (with added hydration, B-complex, magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, and glutathione).  Recommended as a biweekly maintenance infusion. This is a great way to boost your immune system with 100% natural, preservative-free nutrients, which are third party tested by award winning pharmacies. Maintain a healthy immune system and maximize your absorption of various nutrients that have been proven to assist with immune function.

Cellular Diagnostics

Your lab work typically offers only a snapshot of that moment in the lab. A few minutes later, your levels have changed and these numbers are not as reliable (unless retested, compared, and tracked over time). At Invitas, we offer specialized live blood analysis which gives real time data related to cellular function. With this test, we can determine how your cells are performing in terms of metabolism, detox, antioxidant function, and much more. Data such as this can be used to formulate nutritional, IV infusion, and other therapies that are personalized to your body’s exact deficiencies.

BioHacking Plus

This personalized treatment plan may consist of both recommended and comparative live blood cell diagnostics followed by an IV vitamin infusions regimen that is individually formulated to your exact deficiencies. Once the body has its optimal level and array of nutrients, it can then function properly.  Other adjunctive programs often dovetail into this one. For example, NAD+, Glutathione, High Dose Vitamin C, or Hydrogen Peroxide infusions can expedite the process tremendously.  See below for more information.

Vitamin D Therapy

What has been known as the “sunshine vitamin” is actually a hormone! And did you know that approximately 70% of those in the Sunshine State are deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D has several roles in the body. It helps in promoting healthy bones and teeth, supporting immune, brain, and nervous system health. It also regulates insulin levels and assists with diabetes management.  It supports lung function and cardiovascular health, and also influences the expression of genes involved in cancer development. INVITAS offers Intramuscular Vitamin D as an extremely beneficial treatment that helps the body function at its optimal level.

Anti-Aging and Glutathione 

Glutathione is known as the “Anti-Aging Serum” and our bodies can produce it, in our gut. This is one way in which gut-brain-heart health directly affects us.  For example, studies show that when our glutathione levels drop, we age!

Glutathione is actually the strongest natural antioxidant that is known and available. Our bodies produce and use glutathione in order to eliminate waste from both our gut and on a cellular level. As you may know, about 70% of our immune system comes from our gut. It’s essential to keep your body young and healthy, and this can be boosted with either Intramuscular or IV Glutathione.

NAD+ IV Infusion

NAD+ stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. In other words, NAD+ repairs your DNA!  It’s used in several areas of biohacking from anti-aging to improving cognitive function to chronic fatigue as well as opiate addiction and recovery. NAD+ is essential to the creation of energy in the body and the regulation of many essential cellular processes.

Detox & Refresh

A unique treatment plan that begins by detoxing the body on a cellular level. This process reduces acidity and inflammation within the cells. Once this happens, more space is created within the cells so that nutrients can be better absorbed.

This treatment plan includes an IV hydrogen peroxide infusion series followed by IV vitamin infusions. This is one of our most popular programs being that it is so comprehensive. Our guests typically feel lighter, cleaner, energetic, and healthier, while reporting a decrease in mental fogginess, poor attention, and difficulty concentrating.

If you have questions or would like to connect for a free, functional wellness assessment, contact us today.